To me, the most important tool towards film making that is so important; is the story you are telling to the audience. It doesn't matter how much CGI you use, or how little. Telling a story controls your emotions. For example, i saw "Bohemian Rhapsody" not too long ago. When you get to the point in the story where "Queen" performs at Live Aid, It's so powerful, to the point where i was tearing up.
On the small screen however, the one show that i love watching to this day is "Doctor Who". In the new series of Doctor Who (series 11); there is no big story arc, which is different to Doctor who since it came back in 2005. 10 standalone episodes that don't really to an extent connect (except episode 2). Now is it the best series ever in new who? well to answer that... not really. But what i will say about the new series; is the audience connecting with brand new companions we never seen before until now. Sure, not all of the companions get enough character development, but the ones that do is pure story telling, which is what i absolutely love about Doctor Who. The stories they tell every Saturday nights. Going to different time zones on earth, going to different planets and battling monsters. It inspires me to be creative. So in series 11 defence, it did its job, which is why this series i have a soft spot for.