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WARNING: This is a SPOILER review!

Titans: series 2 is created by Akiva Goldsman, Geoff johns and Greg Berlanti. It stars Brenton Thwaites (as Robin), Anna Diop (as Starfire), Teagon Croft (as Raven). The list goes on! The story is about revenge. Deathstroke (played by Esai Morales) had a son called Jericho. Unfortunately, his son was killed during a fight between Deathstroke and Robin. Deathstroke wants revenge, by splitting up the Titans and to make Robin pay for what he did. That’s the main story. The entire series focuses on sub plots for the other members of the Titans such as:

  • The relationship between Jason Todd and Deathstroke’s daughter. 

  • Hawk and Dove’s connection between each other, and how being part of Titans is a danger to them. 

  • Super boy’s “fish out of water” arc. 

Before getting into my review of Series 2, I thought it might be best to give a quick review of series 1 of Titans. In my opinion, all the actors did an absolute brilliant job, and I thought the story of series 1 was good. Unfortunately, it was very slow to begin with, due to setting up multiple characters. However, it does start to speed up once the team was together. The main issue I had with series 1, was the phasing for each episode. Some episodes would feel interconnected with the story arc, but there are other episodes that feel misplaced and unnecessary to the series. Episode 9 of series 1 is the best example of a misplaced episode, as we spend 50 minutes understanding more on Dove’s character (played by Alan Ritchson) after having a big plot twist towards Starfire trying to kill Raven at the end of episode 8. It just feels like an unnecessary filler episode. 

However, what saved series 1, was the finale. I thought the finale was very different, as it focuses on Dick Grayson’s character more by going into his mind. It’s not what you expect for a finale. 

Overall, I think series 1 is good, but with oddly phased episodes. 


Series 2, without a shadow of a doubt is MUCH better than series 1, and that’s mainly down to the story of series 2. The story is great! It not tells a fantastic story about revenge, but also introduces popular characters in the series such as Deathstroke, Bruce Wayne and Superboy! I also felt that the phasing towards certain episodes in this series was handled A LOT better than series 1. It doesn’t go off on a tangent like series 1 did, but instead all episodes of series 2 feel interconnected, whilst also telling sub plots that’s relevant in the main story. I found myself surprised at times towards the connection between each episode, as It almost feels non-linear at times; which I’m ALWAYS up for! 

The highlight for series 2 is Jericho. The development towards Jericho is perfect! Your introduced to Jericho as this kid that can’t speak. He loves spending time with his mum and his friends, which makes you immediately care for him as a character. However, as the series goes on, there’s more history towards Jericho than you expected. The main history gives us answers towards how Jericho has powers, how Jericho lost the ability to speak and how Jericho died. The answer is deathstroke. 

  • Jericho has powers due to the injection Deathstroke was given.

  • Jericho lost ability to speak due to assassins hunting for Deathstroke.

  • Jericho died by sacrificing himself to save Robin from Deathstroke’s sword. 

Not only that, but also gives us a HUGE plot twist that Jericho has been stuck in Deathstroke’s mind for 5 years, he’s been alive this whole time! His character was brilliantly written and also brilliantly acted by Joseph Wilson.

Superboy’s character (played by Joshua Orpin) was a bit bland in my opinion, mainly down to being underused in A LOT of episodes. Superboy has an entire standalone episode for himself to develop, which worked and also connected back to the main story. However, he then gets underused by recovering from Kryptonite bullet for 2-3 episodes. Not only that, he’s then been captured AFTER recovering from the bullet to be used as a weapon. I thought the performance was great! But the way he’s been written into the story is a bit weak in my opinion. However, saying that, I’d expect his character to be fleshed out a lot better in series 3, now that he’s a part of the Titans.

Bruce Wayne (played by Ian Glen) is there as a supporting role for Dick Grayson’s character. He’s not in the series as much, but when he is there; He’s either the devil on Dick Grayson’s shoulder OR there for gadget support. In my opinion, I think Ian Glen was miscast. He did great as Bruce Wayne for sure! However, when you think of Bruce Wayne, you think of Batman. Unfortunately, I don’t see Ian Glen as Batman, which is unfortunate. 

The soundtrack for this series was ok. It mainly focuses on pop culture music like “The clash” etc. It works well, but there’s no originality for the soundtrack. Music needs to not only stand out, but also fit the tone towards the series. This series is gory, dark and phycological at times, so really there needs to be MORE instrumental score’s than pop culture music. 

These days, action sequences in TV shows can be a hit or miss in my opinion. Some TV show’s such as “The Flash” and “Arrow” can either heavily rely on CGI or practical choreography. I’m more into practical choreography, as then the fights are real and stands out more. Titans has a mix of both. Some characters such as Jason Todd, Dove and Robin heavily focus on practical choreography, due to them being human. On the other hand, other characters such as Starfire, Raven and Superboy rely on CGI. The reason why is mainly due to their characters having non-fictional powers that doesn’t exist in the real world. I LOVED the fight sequences in this series (from both CGI and practical.) The fight sequences didn’t drag on or go off on a tangent with CGI. Instead, they used fight sequences as a tool to build up more stakes for the story, especially when Deathstroke is in the room. However, when it came to the finale of Series 2, they used a lot of quick cuts during the fight between Deathstroke and Robin. It’s not a huge issue, but it is noticeable.

Overall, Series 2 of Titans is great! It tells a brilliant story about revenge whilst also balancing sub plot between other members of the Titans. The phasing was much better in this series than series 1. Series 1 had a lot of interconnected episodes; however, some episodes felt a bit inconvenient and unnecessary to the plot (like episode 9 in series 1.) On the other hand, series 2 of Titans had better phased episodes, as ALL episodes connect beautifully into the main story. 

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The twelfth series of Doctor Who came to a close on the 1st March 2020. My initial reaction towards this series on the first viewing was being very satisfied. Series 12 not only incorporated more science fiction stories, (which I really wanted), but also incorporating a massive story arc that relates back to the “timeless child” in Series 11, making Series 12 more exciting and fun to watch. However, with the initial positives out of the way, I do think Series 12 (from my initial reaction) does have some issues. 

To review Series 12 of Doctor Who, I will be re-watching the entire series, to not only see if my initial opinion changes, but to also see if the issues I had with this series changes as well. Like with series 11, I will be dedicating this section of my review for the first 2 episodes of Series 12, which is “Spyfall” part 1 & part 2. 


“Spyfall” part 1 is written by Chris Chibnall and is directed by Jamie Magnus Stone. It stars Jodie Whittaker, Mandip Gill, Tosin Cole, Bradley Walsh and Sacha Dhawan. The story focuses on a new alien species called “The Kasaavins”. Their goal in this episode is to wipe out the universe. MI6 boss “C” (played by Stephan Fry) relies on the Doctor and her friends to stop this attack, before it gets worse. 

I really enjoyed this episode! Not only because of the story that’s being told, but also for another reason, which is simple. Episode 1 started off with a bang. Having no Doctor Who for a whole year in 2019, it was great that “Spyfall” brought back the excitement towards Doctor Who, which made me excited for each and every episode weekly. The scale towards this episode is MASSIVE, as we spend parts of the episode in the UK and the other parts of the episode in South Africa! 

I also really enjoyed the story from a second viewing. The story not only spends a lot of time developing the new species “The Kasaavins”, but also making the new alien species a real threat, which we haven’t got from Doctor Who since “The monks” in Series 10 (not counting the Master in Series 10’s finale.) However, what makes this episode stand out even more, Is the character development for Yasmin Khan (played by Mandip Gill), in which she encounters one of the Kasaavins, which transports her to South Africa. This development shows how frightened she was during the transportation. It makes Yasmin Khan realise on how dangerous it can be when travelling with the Doctor. Mandip Gill’s acting is great in this episode! Her character has been improved from Series 11 by making her more in the front than in the back. 

But, my favourite character from this entire episode is Sacha Dhawan’s character “O”. When re-watching “Spyfall”, I noticed that the story was not only building towards his reveal as the Master, but also how he was the cause of everything in this episode such as helping the Kasaavin’s throughout the episode, killing Stephan Fry’s character in MI6’s Headquarters, and also trying to kill the Doctor in the car! It makes the reveal more impactful. However, what helps throughout this episode is Segun Akinola’s music. It’s great! His music teases the master’s new theme throughout the episode, which I never noticed until now! My favourite score from this episode is “The Spy Master” as it’s very James Bond like, which works well! 

However, I do have some issues with this episode. The first issue I have with this episode is the dialogue, in particular Jodie Whittaker’s dialogue and Tosin Cole’s dialogue. Before mentioning Jodie Whittaker’s dialogue, I just want to say how much she has improved in this episode compared to Series 11. Her performance is great, but the dialogue in some areas of the episode comes out very cringeworthy. Tosin Cole’s dialogue as well in some parts of the episode comes out very bland such as worrying what his cover name will be before interviewing “Daniel Barton” (played by Sir Lenny Henry). 

I also thought the reveal of “O” being the Master on a second viewing felt inconvenient. This is NOT a huge issue, as I love his big reveal, but when knowing all the little references and nods towards “O” being the Master throughout the episode, you would expect a bigger a reveal, not from Master’s point of view but this time from the Doctor’s point of view, showing how she joined the dots together all this time, which forces “O” to reveal himself. Instead, The Doctor noticed he wasn’t running fast enough towards the plane, which felt inconvenient. (This is only a nit-pick, as I still really like his reveal when re-watching, and I also think that Sacha Dhawan is GREAT as the Master in my opinion.)

Bradley Walsh is also great in this episode. We briefly get a reference towards Grace (his wife) and also his cured cancer. Aside that, he’s in the background for most of this episode, and that’s not a bad thing. He’s really funny and entertaining in this episode, which in my opinion gave him better dialogue than others.  

Overall, “Spyfall” part 1 is a great opener to Series 12. It not only told a great story but also revealing that A) “O” is the Master and B) the Master was behind everything in this story, which you can tell on re-watch due to the Segun Akinola’s brilliant music and Chris Chibnall’s brilliant writing. This episode does have issues, but there’s more positives than negatives. 



Coming soon.

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